Monday, March 5, 2012

Dusks and Silhouettes




  1. Absolutely beautiful!!!! And guess what? The music playing while looking at them brings even more of the nature of the pictures out. These are so beautiful. I'm amazed that one shot has such a blue sky and the one below that has hues of pink and then of course the black and white, and then the one at the bottom has orange hues. The black and white is particularly interesting because of the fade around the sun and the sun is so huge!! The crane in that bottom shot adds something to the picture that can't be explained. It's as if you're conveying humanities reach into the heavens. That's what I see. These are beautiful shots Carlo!!! The little girl in me is so delighted and the woman in me is moved in the spirit!!! I think you might like the song "Overcome" by David Nevue. It's a piano solo also. See you in the next post :-)

  2. I'm sending hugs to you sweety!!! I'm praying for you too!!

  3. I'm listening to Alanis Morisette's song right now in another window. I forgot all about her, I love Alanis Morisette. When I was younger I use to listen to her everyday. It's been years since I listened to her until today. See? Great minds think alike. She was one of my favorites. Thank you for reintroducing me to her. I'm so sad for you. I don't know what's going on but I hope you're ok. I hope you're not letting anything pull you down. I hope you know you have a friend. "Lord, bless and keep Carlo in your care. Today is a rough day for him and he really needs a visit from you, amen."

  4. I've sent you an email but I think it's 2am there when it's 7pm here. I'm going to clarify that. If that's the case then you're either up in the middle of the night, or I don't know what. I just started using a computer in June so I'm still a bit new. Forgive me if you see weird stuff, lol, I click buttons and don't know what will happen.

  5. did you like the song? it's been like a mantra to me ...singing with her, and the message that despite everything, i can still be good..thanks for the prayer i appreciate it! dont worry about me, typical me, when melancholy comes, i have to dwell in it for a sister had a miscarriage..and it saddens me to lose a nephew or niece..only two months so we haven't really know the gender..but i told her to name the baby Justine anyway, so we can all remember, and at least the baby had a name...i think of the baby now as an angel, to specially watch over her...and us...really? you sent an email? i had to check that one out....and thank you for being a friend...who knows we may or may not meet in person, but am glad we found each other...God bless too!

  6. I did like the song. I like her. And if you tell me no worries, then no worries. Just know that if you feel sad or down, ask for prayer and I got you covered. We'll pray you right out of it and back into peace and joy. I'm sorry so sorry to hear about the loss of your family member. I understand this well. My son had a girlfriend a few years ago that got pregnant and she killed the baby. She murdered my grandchild, my first. I asked my son to give him a name as well so we wouldn't forget him, his name was Adam "the first man." And why so surprised I sent an email? You seem so surprised by that. I thought it would make communicating a tad easier and quicker than jumping back and forth on the blogs. I still believe in leaving comments but sometimes you might want to talk about something you don't want the whole world to see. For that, email is better.
