Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Craftsmen


  1. Excellent choice for subjects to photograph!! People at their trade is always something we can stand and watch for hours. They find it a tedious job (perhaps) but we find it intriguing, entertaining, engrossing, beautiful, skillful, and a rare talent. They probably wonder why we want to watch them labor so, lol. Anyway, well done. The man who appears to be carving something is my favorite and I think it's because you captured his expression well. He's intent as he examines his work. I imagine that he's thinking, "a little more off this side perhaps and it will be ready for market." I love it!! I also like the new pic you've posted of yourself with your camera! You look like a very happy guy!! I'm happy for you friend!!

  2. thank you dear friend too for the comments, appreciate 'em all...we watch them because we are awed by their talent to create such wonderful things...
