Thursday, December 8, 2011

Pakistanis At The Park


  1. How do people behave when they see you taking their pictures? Do they seem to want to pose or do they act shy? These are great shots. Full of variety. At first, I didn't understand why there's no women in the shots. I think I know why now. :)

  2. hehe this is a muslim country my friend, it is not allowed to take pictures of women, even to look at them directly...i'd end up somewhere else with bars ...lols! these Pakistanis loved being photographed, however there were a few who shy away..

  3. Ooohhh, I did not know it was a Muslim country. So, when you took the pictures of the bride, was that considered a special circumstance? And would you get in trouble for talking to me or is that only if I was a Muslim woman in your country? If I may ask...
